About the Authors
Dr. Virginia Tucker is associate professor at the School of Information at San José State University. She was the County Law Librarian in Bellingham, Washington for over ten years. Prior to joining the School of Information faculty, she was an information architect and client training manager at Dialog/Thomson (now ProQuest) and the Physics Librarian at Stanford University. Dr. Tucker has a PhD in information systems from Queensland University of Technology, an MLS from the University of California at Berkeley, a BA from Stanford University in music, and a paralegal certificate from Whatcom Community College. Virginia received the prestigious Liberty Bell Award in 2010 from her local bar association for her "outstanding work in helping the public gain a better understanding of the law." In 2016, the bar association honored her with the annual award for “‘Dedication to the Spirit of the Law’”. As a volunteer, she has created websites for the Whatcom County Bar Association and LAW Advocates, the local legal aid group. She served for several years on the board of the non-profit Dispute Resolution Center and has taught CLE workshops on legal research in Bellingham and Seattle.
Marc Lampson was admitted to the practice of law in 1985. In addition to his law degree, he holds a Masters of Library and Information Science with a specialization in law librarianship from the University of Washington. He has practiced both civil and criminal law on the trial and appellate levels and in both federal and state court. Since 1984, he has also taught law students, library and information science students, paralegals, laypeople, and prisoners "legal research," that is, how to find and analyze legal resources. At the Information School at the University of Washington he has taught Research Methods, Information Behavior, and Information in Social Context. From 2015 to 2018, Marc served as the Public Services Attorney and Reference Librarian at the Public Law Library of King County in Seattle, Washington.